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Carlton Alexander

Andrew Anderson

Steven Atwell

Genevieve Barr

Eric Beal

Andra Beatty - Pct. Chair 4508

Charna Blumberg

Daniel Blumberg

Kaye Lynne Boll

Margaret Borchert

Sonya Carrillo

Twanna Cesear

Summer Chappell

Preston Claiborne

Kevin Clark

Mark Cochran

David L. Cook, Mansfield Mayor

Shelley Cooper

Kathie Copeland

Kelly Cottom

Terry Daffron

Kelly Decker

R. William DeDecker

Joel Downs

Jack Duffy

Bill Eastland - Pct. Chair 2168

John Eck

Gary Fickes - County Commissioner

Monica Foster

Jane Fowler

Bodie Freeman



Ann Gebhart - Pct. Chair 3157

Sharon Giraud

Toby Goodman - Former St. Rep.

Cindy Greene - Pct.Chair 2181

Ryan Handy

Kayla Harrington

Trey Harris

Jodi Haw

Sherri Heinzman - Pct. Chair 2360

Gregg Heinzman

Bobbie Jackson

Jim Jay

Jeff Johnson

Jeff Kaitcer - Pct. Chair 4343

J. Steven King

Stephanie Klick - St. Rep

Scott Lindsey

Trey Loftin

Brenna Loyd

Sean Lynch

Craig Michalk

Thomas Michel

Marjorie Moffitt

Tyler Monahan

David Moraine

Ray Moreno

Margarita Morton

Adrian Murray - Pct. Chair 1277

Lindsey Newell

Andy Nguyen - County Commissioner

Barbara Nuneley

Dale O'Neal

Kathlynn Pack

Jordan Parker


Delores Pell - Pct. Chair 2223

Lisa Peterchuck

Allison Porterfield

Trey Presswood

Fredrick Quast

TomQuinones - Pct. Chair 4218

Mark Rosenfield

Vandolyn Roszell - Pct. Chair 3392

Stephanie Sabelhaus

Keven Schmid

Sarah Seltzer

Frank Skipper

Dwayne Smith

Susan Smith

Dinah Stallings - Pct. Chair 4371

Andrew Stasio

Shelila Stewart

Kimberly Stoner

Stephen Strickland

Jim Sutton - Pct. Chair 4410

Melissa Swan

Steven Villman

Timothy Vinson

Shareon Giraud Warren

Pat White

John White

Glen Whitley - County Judge

Tom Wilder

Mike Windsor

Ron Wright - Tax Assessor

Douglas Wright

David Wynne

Bill Zedler - St. Rep.


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